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Bone Grafting

Dental Bone Grafting In Clearwater, FL

The deterioration of the jawbone commonly occurs following the loss of one or more teeth, often resulting from factors like injury, decay, or trauma. With the absence of the tooth to stimulate the surrounding bone, gradual deterioration unfolds over time. This decline in bone density may progress to a point where there’s insufficient bone to support dental implants. In such instances, a bone grafting procedure may be recommended by your dentist as a viable solution. This service is readily available in Clearwater, conveniently located near Safety Harbor, Florida.

The Procedure

Bone Grafting near me

To ensure comfort during bone removal and augmentation, local anesthesia is administered to numb the areas effectively. A precise incision is then made in the gum to assess the necessary bone volume accurately. Rest assured, this service is readily accessible in Clearwater, conveniently situated near Safety Harbor, Florida.

Bone Grafting close to me

Beneath the lower front teeth, a careful incision is made to expose the chin bone. Partial extraction of the bone and any marrow is performed, followed by the closure of the incision using stitches. Rest assured, this specialized service is offered in Clearwater, conveniently located near Safety Harbor, Florida.

Bone Grafting Procedure

The removed chin bone is meticulously secured in the jaw using titanium screws for optimal stability. Additionally, for accelerated healing, a combination of your bone marrow and grafting material may be applied, followed by the meticulous closure of the incision with sutures. Rest assured, this comprehensive service is offered in Clearwater, conveniently situated near Safety Harbor, Florida.

After the procedure, your dentist will typically prescribe antibiotics and pain medication to ensure a comfortable recovery. Additionally, you’ll be advised to follow a controlled diet, focusing mainly on soft foods like pastas and Jell-O to support healing. The complete healing process for bone grafts typically spans six to nine months, during which dental implant placement is deferred until your oral cavity has fully recovered. Rest assured, this comprehensive service is available in Clearwater, conveniently located near Safety Harbor, Florida.

Most Common Types of Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is the replacement or augmentation of missing bone around the teeth.


Autografts entail the extraction of bone from the patient’s own body, commonly sourced from areas like the hip, rib, or jaw, and transplanting it to the area requiring bone. This method is highly effective owing to its compatibility with the patient’s biology, rendering it a preferred choice whenever feasible.


Moreover, allografts utilize bone graft material sourced from a human donor, which undergoes processing and sterilization prior to transplantation. This approach offers the advantage of readily available graft material and eliminates the requirement for a second surgical site, making it a common choice for bone grafting procedures.


Moreover, xenografts utilize bone graft material sourced from an animal origin, such as bovine (cow) or porcine (pig). This material undergoes specialized treatment and sterilization to reduce the risk of immune response and infection. Xenografts are frequently employed in scenarios where human donor grafts are unavailable or unsuitable.

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