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Bone Grafting

Dental Bone Grafting Near Countryside, FL

Jawbone deterioration frequently occurs after losing one or more teeth, often due to factors such as injury, decay, or trauma. Consequently, as the tooth is no longer present to stimulate the surrounding bone, it gradually deteriorates over time. This loss of bone density can advance to a stage where there isn’t enough bone to support dental implants. In such cases, your dentist might recommend a bone grafting procedure as a viable solution. This service is available in Clearwater near Countryside, Florida.

The Procedure

Bone Grafting near me

Administer local anesthesia to numb the areas for bone removal and augmentation. Create an incision in the gum to assess required bone volume. This service is available in Clearwater near Countryside, Florida.

Bone Grafting close to me

Below the lower front teeth, make an incision to reveal the chin bone. Partially extract the bone and any marrow, then close the incision with stitches. This service is available in Clearwater near Countryside, Florida.

Bone Grafting Procedure

Secure the removed chin bone in the jaw with titanium screws. Optionally, apply a mix of your bone marrow and grafting material to expedite healing, followed by suturing the incision. This service is available in Clearwater near Countryside, Florida.

After the procedure, your dentist commonly provides antibiotics and pain relief medication. You’ll also receive dietary guidance, favoring soft foods like pasta and Jell-O. The complete recovery from bone grafts usually spans six to nine months. Dental implant placement occurs only after full oral cavity recuperation. This service is accessible in Clearwater, conveniently close to Countryside, Florida.

Most Common Types of Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is the replacement or augmentation of missing bone around the teeth.


Furthermore, autografts entail harvesting bone from the patient’s own body, commonly from regions like the hip, rib, or jaw, and transferring it to the required site. They boast high effectiveness owing to their compatibility with the patient’s biology, rendering them a favored option whenever feasible.


Moreover, allografts utilize bone graft material sourced from a human donor, which undergoes processing and sterilization before transplantation. They offer the advantage of being readily available and eliminate the requirement for a second surgical site, thus making them a frequently chosen option for bone grafting procedures.


Moreover, xenografts employ bone graft material sourced from an animal origin, such as bovine (cow) or porcine (pig). Additionally, this material undergoes specialized treatment and sterilization to reduce the risk of immune response and infection. Xenografts are frequently employed in scenarios where human donor grafts may not be accessible or appropriate.

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